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goalWhat was your goal this morning when you woke up? If you’re like me, it’s probably to make it through the first cup of coffee until coherency sets in. That, however, is a short term goal. Really short.

What about those long term goals? Yes, that includes 5 year and 10 year goals but it also includes weekly, monthly, or even yearly goals. I have to admit that I’ve always had a vague notion of where I was going, career wise. It wasn’t until recently that I had to actually sit down and put those goals down on paper. My first step? Applying for my doctorate.

Why is it important to have goals? Well, if you don’t know where you’re going how are you going to get there? A goal sets the destination and also gives you an idea of how to get there too.

Of course, that’s a seriously lofty goal and it took me forever to figure it out. I wish I had read “How to Set Goals When You Have No Idea What You Want” about a month ago (that would have required time travel though since the post was only written on 9/1/09). Make sure to read the comments, too, as they contain quite a few ideas that might help you figure out your goals.

So, here’s my goals using the “three list” method (see the comments in the mentioned article for this method):

1. Things I want to do: visit the Louvre museum for at least a month; see each and every national monument in the continental United States; go to a writing and/or fantasy/scifi convention

2. Things I want to have: a fluffy dog (check that off the list); a computer that actually runs all my programs without crashing; a Shelby Mustang GT (red with racing stripes, please, and no wussy convertible top); a good pair of shoes every three months

3. Things I want to be: expert in my field (obtaining my doctorate is part of this goal); a mother who attends her kids soccer games/chess tournaments/art exhibits; the wife my husband needs me to be

So, what are your goals? Were they easy or difficult to determine? Which method from the linked article did you use? Tell me because I want to know!


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