You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2009.

My MIL lives across Cook Inlet from Mt. Redoubt, which is exploding and tossing ash into the air. She sent us the following photo today.

MIL Backyard

Cool and scary all at the same time. If you want to know more about Mt. Redoubt, check out the Alaska Volcano Observatory. They have all sorts of information and up to the minute news on Redoubt.

Come to the dark side….we have cookies.

No! Must resist! Must join Shredhead challenge for April!

Okay, maybe getting back on the exercise train isn’t quite like resisting the dark side (or is it?) but it is a major effort in this household. So, I’m taking matters into my own hands. I’ve ordered Jillian Michael’s 30 Days Shred and it should be here on Wednesday, April 1. Which incidentally enough, is the first day of Motherhooduncensored’s challenge.

Want to join my team for the month of April? Let me know by commenting on this post. We’ll fight the dark side together.

My two year old is……..potty training. *nearly faints*

His older brothers didn’t even bother to start until they were nearly three years old and then it was a struggle for them to connect their bodily functions with the toilet. But not Joseph. He asked last weekend to go potty so my husband put him on the toilet. He hasn’t had a wet diaper since.

However, and this is a biggie, Jo still hasn’t figured out #2. He tells us after it happens and wants to sit on the potty but he hasn’t quite got the hang of telling us before hand. It’s a big step for him.

And for me. He’ll be in undies soon and won’t be my baby anymore. At least, not in the sense of being totally dependent upon me for most of his needs. He’s becoming his own person and it’s fabulous and heart breaking all at the same time.

On the other hand, I won’t have to change dirty diapers again which is a blessing in and of itself. So it’s a mixed emotional bag for this mom. How about you? Having mixed emotions about potty training and what it means for the future of your relationship with your child?

This is so exciting! I had over 25 people comment on my blog during the UBP09 and enter the contest for a Mini-Me graphic.

April's Mini-MeSo, what exactly is a Mini-Me? It’s a graphical representation of you created by me for your use anywhere on the web. I can take a description (blonde hair, blue eyes, thin face) or a photo and translate that into Mini-Me-ism. Just like the one of me to the left.

Are you ready to hear who the winner is?

Ready yet?


Okay, fine! And the winner is…drumroll if you please…is:


Thanks, Jen, for stopping by my blog on your party rounds and hanging out. I look forward to working with you on your personalized Mini-Me!

Disappointed that you didn’t win? Don’t be! I’m now offering Mini-Me Graphics at a very reasonable rate. Have questions? Feel free to contact me!

Holy mackeral! A whole week has gone by. Seriously?

*checks her calendar quickly*

Yep. A whole week and I had so much FUN! I completely appreciate the girls at 5MFM to put together this shindig. As a matter of fact, I’m taking a leaf from Chris over at The Mommy Journey and show my appreciation for the twins!


Okay so they aren’t so much loyal commenters on my blog but they do Tweet me quite a bit. 🙂 Mostly because I’m nattering their ears off. Anyway, here’s the big shout out to you, Janice & Susan: THANK YOU! You two are great and I appreciate the time you take to talk to me even when you have bottoms to change and noses to wipe. You rock.

And, thank you, to everyone who has stopped by this week. I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. And I appreciate each and everyone of you. For those who’ve commented, you’ll be entered into my drawing for a Mini-Me graphic. I’ll notify the winner within the next few days!


Okay, enough with the mushy stuff and on to some serious partying. First things first, ya gotta have something to drink. Am I right or am I right?

Party Til Ya Drop Punch

  • 1 – 3oz package of cherry Jello
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 3 cups cold water
  • 1 – 6oz can of frozen lemonade
  • 1 – 6oz can of pinapple juice
  • 1 quart cranberry juice
  • 1 pint champagne or other booze that rocks your socks – vodka might work here 😉

Dissolve the jello in the hot water while the juice is thawing. You want the juice cold but soft enough to work with. In your punch bowl (what? You don’t have one? Use the biggest bowl you have! Or a pitcher. A really big one), and mix together the dissolved jello, juices, and cold water. Pop in some ice and pour in the booze. Mix well.

Now, if you are preggers or are serving it to the 21 and under crowd, feel free to use gingerale instead. If your local grocery store is like mine, they’ll have these cool lime flavored ice cubes near the ice cream. Grab a bag of those and use them instead of plain ice. Alternatively, use frozen fruit like strawberries in place of the ice.

Does everyone have a glass of punch? Excellent. I want you to go visit everyone you haven’t on the UBP, starting with these lovely blogs:

  1. The Mommy Journey
  2. Stuttering Shell
  3. Lipstick Wisdom
  4. If Only I Super Powers
  5. Mama Needs a Cosmo
  6. Artsy Mamas
  7. Katie’s Nesting Spot
  8. Scribble Ink Cafe
  9. Girl in Paradise
  10. Leaf Days

If I forgot your blog, let me know and I’ll add it to the list!


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